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Quartz compound





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Innovation and tradition at the customer service.

The quartz compound is an innovative material composed of 94%of natural quartz, silicon sand and structural resin of polyester. The combination of these elements ensure amazing results, which make quartz compound a prestigious, high performance and quality material. Thanks to its total absence of porosity, it is very hard and resilient to all kinds of spots and common soaps usually used in domestic environments, that is why it makes the perfect material for kitchen and bathrooms tops and claddings. The colour range is much wider then the natural stone's because of the organic dyes in the compound. Streaks and refractions can be different depending on the material added to the compound, for example, we can lighten the compound by inserting nacres scales rather then obtain different reflexes by inserting glass or mirror pieces depending on the light intensity of different environments.
Thanks to its versatility quartz compound can be employed both indoors and outdoors, and only the knowledge and experience of PLM masters craftsmen can ensure you an excellent and exclusive result.




What are the main features of quartz compound?

Quartz compound is an innovative material made up of 94% of silicon sand and the remaining 6% of structural resins of polyester, the result is a material almost as resistant as diamond (moht scale). It is also impervious to any liquids (0,015%).

Can Resins be toxic to our wealth?

Absolutely not, as it is impervious to liquids, it doesn't allow germs to proliferate, whch makes quartz compound the safest surface for domestic purpose.

Why should I choose quartz compound rather then natural stones or marble?

Because it is more resistant to shocks and scratches, the colour range is much wider and it is the optimal and the safest surface for domestic uses.

Who many finishing surfaces quartz compound can offer?

Mostly two types of finishing surface: gloss and grain. But also bush hammered and other surfaces at request.

What about slabs size?

It depends on the factory from where the slab has produced, the standard size, however is 300x135 cm. by which you can obtain suitable cuts for your ideal purpose.

What about thickness?

Slabs thickness range is very large, from the classic 2 or 3 cm, up to 16 cm, obtained undergoing a particular process of bonding. The more perfect is the manufacturing, the less noticeable is the line of the bonding. It is also possible to increase thickness by using a specific material as Eulithe®.

Can I find two slabs of a kind even though they’re produced in different time?

No you can't, slabs produced in different times can be similar but never equal.

Is it possible to obtain two slabs of the same thickness?

Yes it's possible, we can calibrate slabs thickness with a difference just under 1mm.

Can I polish up the top surface?

No you can't, some polish products containing aggressive elements such as bleach or sodium hydroxide may damage the surface. It is enough to use wet cloth or a light cleanser.

Is quartz compound tops impervious?

Yes it is, however matt surface may be a little harder to clean.

Do I risk to damage the top by leaving a hot pottery on the surface?

Yes you do, it is advisable to always use an under pottery.

Is quartz compound hygienically safe?

Yes it is, its surface, which is absolutely compact and without pores, prevents bacteria proliferation, this is the main difference between natural stones and quartz compound.


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